Dusk isn't always this nice.

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

The Romantic

Look at the pictures. And please do not just glance at them. Imagine yourself there. Close your eyes.
Ask yourself what you see and what you feel.

I see myself there and I'm not alone. I'm with a faceless man. I initially thought the guy was Daddy; both of us strolling, me kicking up those beautiful leaves or the two of us leaning against the railing over looking the waters, having our heart-to-heart chats. I can hear someone chuckling out there.But ya, that's me-Daddy's baby. People talk about Mother Teresa and Sachin Tendulkar as thier idols but ever since I was a toddler, i adored my dad. And some 19-20 years down the line, nothing has changed. Not even Mahatma Gandhi ever managed to dethrone him. That's my Dad.

But then no. It's not my dad. That faceless man, remember? Who is it then?

I do not know. Vague as it sounds, this is going to be any romantic's answer and don't you dare laugh! Ofcourse, I'm only talking about those who have not been lucky in love (All romantics have loved at some point of time).

What do I see? Besides this faceless man?

See- you need a reason to be an ardent K.Jo fan. After all, he casts a 44-year old in almost all of his movies-there has got to be something in those movies other than an ageing dimpled-cheeked seasonal smoker(Hey! Do not get me wrong-I have loved and adored him since i was 4!).And this is my reason-His movies appeal to the romantic at heart. We need happy our happy ending. And we enjoy these happy endings even more when we had to go through hail storms and high waters to get there. Its not that we harp on melodrama. We just feel that to get somewhere, if you have known pain, you learn to value it more. If something was to fall on your lap from the clear skies , you for all the cows' sake in the world, would not know what it means to someone who had to slog for it.

Anyway, that's deviating from the topic. K.Jo should thank us-the creed of Romantics (yes, our number is on the rise and you could be next-so do not sit there and smirk or roll your eyes). We love his movies because his movies tell us that love is forever and its beautiful as long as it lasts.

And the person we want by our side, sharing that beauty is this faceless guy I see in my dreams and after one major crush and two relationships later, all I know is that this guy is pretty elusive. One bit of advice for all those romantics at heart like me (I learnt it the hard way-you know, been there, done that..)-do NOT ever take the plunge and expect fairy tale endings to miraculously happen. Because they won't. And because they don't.

PS: This post has been written by a person who is home-stricken and down in doldrums and hence the depressing air about the post.
Next ones ought to be better...about NIT Idol, Hall Nite, IPL (go KKR!), Mother Jane and then Recs too :)

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